What we provide
Why we are different….
Blissfully in Balance was created with individualized learner’s needs in mind. Whether you are a physical therapist, occupational therapist or athletic trainer, all courses incorporate a multidisciplinary approach to concussion rehab.
Mission Statement
To provide individualized professional development that translates science into clinical practice through engaging, up to date, evidence based continuing education and mentorship.
Vision Statement
Blissfully in Balance is dedicated to combine the best teaching methodology for today’s learners with the highest quality current evidence to deliver engaging content elevates practice and improves the lives of those with a concussion injury.
What we offer
live ceu courses
Blissfully in Balance travels to large hospital systems to present onsite and in-person. We offer several courses in vestibular rehab and concussion management. We are currently looking for additional opportunities in 2024.
Blended CEU Opportunities
Medical practitioners are busy. Take the first part of your CEU online through our professional education app followed by in-person training onsite.
Online learning
In the fall of 2023, Blissfully in Balance will present several course on Vestibular Rehab and Concussion Management through our online learning portal.
Vestibular Occular course
Multi-disciplinary excellence